Neda Gorge

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The virgin gorge of Neda is situated in a fantastic location where the feminine-named river Neda, starting from Mount Lykaios and flowing into the Ionian sea, forms the relief of the area throughout its 32-km-long route.It is a beautiful ravine with narrow passages and rich vegetation, riverside stones and steep rocks, blue-green waters and plane trees, wild oaks and holly trees, all making up a magical alternating landscape. Along it lies the humble chapel of Panagia, imposing stone bridges and gushing springs enriching the river with crystal waters.

The route’s most impressive point, however, is those parts where the rushing waterfalls pour out, creating small natural fonts at their end. The largest of them even exceeds 30 meters. The image of the dreamy scenery is complemented by caves, with that of Stomio being the most characteristic.

Crossing the gorge, of a moderate level of difficulty but requiring good organization, is recommended in the summer season, as this is done through the river, which is then more easily accessible.

In the wider area, one can also visit the magnificent ancient temple of Epicurius Apollo at the Bassae archaeological site.

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