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Zacharo Beach

1 votes with an average rating of 5.

About 20 minutes from Ancient Olympia and 30 minutes from Pyrgos, the capital of the prefecture of Ilia, Zacharo beach is an endless stretch of sand embraced by the crystal clear waters of the Ionian Sea.
One of the country’s longest beaches, wide and with golden fine sand, it has also been recognized by the Blue Flag organisation both for the quality of its waters and environmental adequacy.
The beach is a holiday reference point ideal for water sports, suitable for windsurfing, with perfect and complete infrastructure and facilities for recreation and support for bathers. Because of its huge size, it is also suitable for those looking for a more isolated and natural stay at the sea, as it remains largely unserviced, while the sand dunes stretching out in several places and the wonderful coastal pine forest that accompanies it right behind it compose an impressive scenery and an exotic landscape.
Notably, both the dunes and the coastal forest have been established as Natura 2000 areas, hosting an important ecosystem with rich flora and fauna.

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