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At the SW end of Mount Arakynthos (Zygos), and at a distance of only 5 km NW of the Holy City of Missolonghi, the strong fortification of Nea Pleurona rises imposingly, occupying two neighboring hills. Nea Pleurona was one of the largest ancient cities of Western Aetolia. Its fortification, which is impressive even by today’s standards, is called "Castle of Kyra Rini" by the inhabitants of the region, a name linked to more recent legends and traditions. It owes its name to the hero Pleuron, son of Aetolos and forefather of Aetolia. According to the geographer Strabo (Geography 10, II, 4), the city was founded after 235/234 BC, i.e. immediately after the destruction of Ancient Pleurona by Demetrius II of Macedon, also known as Aetolicus. The ruins located further south on the two low hills, Asfakovouni (Gyftokastro) and Petrovouni, are attributed to Palaia Pleurona.

At the SW end of Mount Arakynthos (Zygos), and at a distance of only 5 km NW of the Holy City of Missolonghi, the strong fortification of Nea Pleurona rises imposingly, occupying two neighboring hills. Nea Pleurona was one of the largest ancient cities of Western Aetolia. Its fortification, which impresses even today, is called by the inhabitants of the area "Castle of the Lady Rhine", a name linked to newer legends and traditions. It owes its name to the hero Pleuron, son of Aitolos and progenitor of Aetolia. According to the geographer Strabo (Geography 10, II, 4), the city was founded after 235/234 BC, i.e. immediately after the destruction of Old Pleurona, by Demetrius II the Macedonian, also known as Aetolicus. The ruins located further south on the two low hills, Asfakovouni (Giftokastro) and Petrovouni, are attributed to Palaia Pleurona.

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