Museums-Archaelogical Sites fas fa-monument purple


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A hidden, priceless treasure that captures in the most eloquent way the dynamics of the ancient city of Oiniades, the archaeological site contains remnants of its glorious past, on a surface area of 346 acres, on the north bank of the river Achelous and about 4km west of the village of Katochi.

The name of the city indicates the production of wine but also some connection with the mythical king Oeneus, while thanks to its strategic position it emerged as a very important city for the Acarnanians.

Visitors to the vast archaeological site will admire characteristic examples of the fortification art in Etoloakarnania, and will see, among others, monuments such as the theater, with its excellent acoustics and large capacity; the city market, with the nearby public buildings; the acropolis, which was at the top of the hill and featured a separate precinct; and, the shipsheds, a rectangular, Π-shaped space for ship retrieval, repairs and protection.

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