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Shrimp Fishing

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A priceless treasure with a name of origin, gambari, the endemic shrimp of Amvrakikos Gulf with its irresistible taste and worldwide reputation, has been caught by many generations of fishermen and is a fine natural product.
A local delicacy with international appeal, and primarily an economic life giver for bay fishermen, the species here thrives and has special characteristics: large size - up to 10cm, long whiskers, intense tail color, protruding muzzle and colored stripes on the back, all key distinct traits.
To mine their own gold, fishermen use an almost ritual process. Larger and smaller boats in formation throw their nets in the same direction at sunset, to haul them in three hours later. This is a repeated process, taking place when the night has fallen (as shrimps hide at the bottom during the day), in hope of a good catch. A rich fishing area, the Amvrakikos Gulf provides ample food for the shrimp all year round, with the fishing period being from April to June and from August to fall.

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