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Holy Monastery of Zourtsa

1 votes with an average rating of 5.

The Byzantine Church of the Dormition of the Virgin, in Zourtsa, is considered the oldest Byzantine Monument in Ilia and one of the oldest in Greece.

It has the marks of centuries and disasters evident on it. This fact makes the building so unique.

It is a breath of fresh air from Nea Figaleia and thanks to the idyllic landscape that surrounds the complex, the visitor can enjoy a special natural tranquility.

The monastery had several relics which are of particular interest and today are kept in the Folklore Museum of Zourtsa, which is located in Nea Figaleia.

The temple celebrates with splendor on August 15.

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  • Νέα Φιγαλεία, Ζαχάρω Ηλείας Τ.Κ. 27065
  • 6944328253
  • Αστυνομική Διεύθυνση Ηλείας - Α.Τ. Ζαχάρως - Ι. Μητρόπολη Τριφυλίας και Ολυμπίας - ΕΦΑ Ηλείας

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