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Municipal Museum of the Kalavrita Holocaust

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A place of national memory, classified as a work of art and a listed historic monument in need of special state care, the Municipal Museum of the Kalavrita Holocaust is housed in an old primary school building, in the center of town.
This imposing stone building was erected at the beginning of the 20th century at the expense of the great benefactor Andreas Syngros and is inextricably linked to the Nazi atrocities suffered by the residents of Kalavryta on December 13, 1943, when the building was turned into a site of the inhumane separation of families and the horrific incarceration of women and children before their violent release.
The museum's collection, arranged in an exemplary manner and with the help of new technologies, hosts all kinds of material related to the history of Kalavryta, the German Occupation and the Holocaust, including maps, photographic material, tools and weapons, personal items, as well as other items documenting the disaster. In its last room, a riveting wall print displays photos and names of all those executed in the Holocaust.
Preserved items include the door that the women who were imprisoned in the school smashed to escape, while in the courtyard a moving sculptural work depicts a woman with her children dragging the body of her husband.

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