Cave of the Lakes

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In the bowels of the earth, created by nature and born of water droplets, salt molecules, liquid air and a few cells from the materials of time is the mythical Cave of the Lakes. It is located in the village of Kastria at an altitude of 827 meters and is 17 km from Kalavryta and 9 km from Klitoria.

The cave took its name from its 13 consecutive stepped lakes, a fact that gave it its uniqueness since such a thing is not a common phenomenon worldwide.

The lakes follow each other while the masterpieces of stalactite complexes that adorn its walls cause the imagination to create images such as royal palaces, thrones, golden rains, etc., with a musical background of a water melody composed by the dripping stream.

Charm, mystery, admiration and awe divided into three levels with the second being the only one to be visited. The total length of the cave is about 2 km while the utilized length of the cave is 500 meters. The visitor enters the cave through an artificial tunnel, which ends directly on the second floor. The crossing of the lakes is made by raised artificial bridges, while on the lower floor of the cave were found fossilized bones of humans and various animals, including a hippopotamus. When the snow melts the cave turns into an underground river with natural waterfalls. While in summer a part of the cave dries up and original lacy stone basins and dams up to 4 meters high are revealed.

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