Goura Gorge

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In the imaginary triangle formed by the villages of Koumani, Androni and Foloi, lies the gorge crossed by the river Piniakos Ladonas (or Selleis river, according to Homer), which the locals call Goura.
Narrow for the most part, overgrown and of low level of crossing difficulty, the gorge is accessible for hiking routes and nature-loving excursions, especially in the summer when its water is scarce, and on the verge of exhaustion.
In the ravine with its wild natural beauty scenery, one also encounters impressive vertical walls, whose high rocks block the sun's rays to reach the bed, keeping the place constantly shaded and the temperature cool. In parts of the river, where its waters are increased by the springs of the surrounding area, small reservoirs suitable for diving are formed.
In the winter, the impetuousness of the river's currents and the likelihood of suddenly bringing down waters and debris, make it rather dangerous to visit and tour the gorge.
Also noteworthy is the fact that the dynamics of the river and its flow, changing from year to year, also affect the morphology of the ground and the ravine’s surrounding area.

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