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Kalogria Beach

3 votes with an average rating of 4.7.

An earthly paradise, Kalogria beach is an enchanting place spreading out 45km southwest of Patras, in the Municipality of West Achaia, at the northwestern tip of the Peloponnese.
A renowned beach, one of the best and most beautiful in Greece boasting fine sand, it is gently washed by the crystal blue-green waters of the Ionian Sea.
Shallow, exotic and warm, with its length exceeding 9km, and with impressive dunes and endless golden sand, the beach is friendly to families and children, partly serviced and with infrastructure for water sports. The main highlight here is the adjacent coastal forest of Strofylia, the largest pine forest in Greece and an ecosystem of rare biodiversity thanks to its unique fauna and flora, which together with the beach, compose a colorful canvas of sensational natural beauty, dominated by green and blue.
These two gems of the region of Western Greece are part of the Kotychio - Strofylia National Wetlands Park (of an area of 22sqkm) and are protected as areas of enormous ecological value by the Ramsar Convention and the Natura 2000 Network.

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