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Kounoupeli-Yrmini-Hot Spring of Yrmini

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If anyone wants to know the place from where the Achaeans sailed with their ships to conquer Troy, they should visit Kounoupeli.

In the area, the visitor will encounter landscapes of rare natural beauty and outstanding monuments, such as the famous springs of Yrmina, which took their name from the Queen of the Epeians Yrmina, who bathed in the spring's healing waters to fight a rare disease from which she was suffering.

The cave, from where the thermal waters spring up, is also of great interest, a biotope of great geological importance, since its deepest parts remain unknown and unexplored.

Another eye-catching monument in Kounoupeli is located on a hill, very close to the sea. These are the remains of a Frankish wall, an important Christian temple, which, as the large marble slabs with Byzantine reliefs testify, was of luxurious construction.

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