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Lake Trichonida

1 votes with an average rating of 5.

The largest natural lake in Greece, also known as the Sea of Aetolia, lies 6km southwest of Agrinio, between the mountains Arakynthos and Panaitolio, which enrich it with their streams and underground water outlets. It is also very close to its “sister” Lake Lysimachia. The lake expands over a surface area of approx. 100sqkm, and is of an oblong and arched shape, with mainly low banks.

Its great natural and water wealth, the lakeside vegetation, and the diverse bird and fish fauna have made it a Natura area. With significant fish production and a critical role in irrigation, it is an economic driver for the wider region.

The villages of Panetolio, Kainourgio, Paravola, Myrtia, Gavalou and Thermo are just some of the beautiful villages or towns situated around the lake, while numerous monuments -largely unbeknown to most people- and the several points of dazzling view make it a magical place deserving better care and more attention.

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