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Lake Tsivlou

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Unfolding over an area of more than two acres, with a depth of about 80m, Lake Tsivlou, named after the nearby village of Tsivlos, is a small mountain lake of matchless beauty and alpine aesthetics, lying at an altitude of 800m.
Surrounded by a dense fir forest and situated on the slopes of Mt Helmos, the lake is about 25km southwest of Akrata and almost 30km northeast of Kalavrita.
This natural lake, although it may seem artificial, is considered the youngest in Greece and among the youngest in Europe, since it was formed a century ago, as a result of a landslide phenomenon, one of the largest and most dramatic in modern Greece’s history.
Back in 1913, the violent detachment of a huge amount of land blocked the bed of the river Krathis, resulting in the formation of two lakes. Over the years one dried up while Tsivlou remained living and wonderful.
As a very important ecosystem and wetland, it hosts many species of flora and fauna, while it is a popular excursion-tourist destination for leisure and sightseeing.
A road in its perimeter is suitable for hiking, cycling or a 4x4 ride, while in its calm waters one can sail by canoe.

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