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Rouga Beach

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Rouga is situated about 4km from the picturesque village of Paliabela, on the route from Vonitsa to Amfilochia. It is one of the Amvrakikos gulf’s exceptional areas, on its southern side, and a surprise for nature lovers.

Located between Haliki and Volimi capes, Rouga is a verdant and secluded cove that ends at a wonderful beach of the same name. Spotless and warm waters, a pebbly beach and deeply shaded trees highlight it as an interesting destination for locals and initiated alike.

Right beneath it is the homonymous shallow lagoon, with a surface area of 62 acres, a protected habitat of great ecological importance. The lagoon’s medicinal contribution is also significant since many recognize its mud as possessing healing properties.

The existence of an area with ruins of ancient walls and an ancient temple also contributes to the uniqueness of the area, proving its archaeological value.

Rouga, windless and shallow, is an ideal harbor for the locals’ fishing boats, who use it as a base for their fish production activities, while the fishing process of the famous Amvrakikos caramote prawns is almost mystifying.

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