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Stairs of Agios Nikolaos

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One of the most representative areas of the city and a characteristic example of its architectural heritage, the stairs of Agios Nikolaos St. are both a sight and an urban monument.
The 193 steps, built in the early 1930s, replaced a winding uphill dirt road, essentially transforming the particular street and lending it emotion and glamour.
The stairs, much-photographed and much-loved, are a popular destination for both locals and visitors, a meeting and gathering place, a hangout for the youth and a point of panoramic observation of the residential fabric. The view from the stairs, leading to the Castle of Patras and a verdant grove, reaches as far as the opposite coasts of Aetoloakarnania.
The stairs of Agios Nikolaos Street are the largest of a series of artificial staircases scattered throughout the city.
The church of Agios Nikolaos and the adjacent chapel dedicated to Agios Paisios of Mount Athos are situated at the base of the stairs, which from time to time, are turned into a stage for various social and cultural events.

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