Municipality of Patras

POLYGON((21.300926367818505 37.69077207143337,21.64390579897085 37.68968534805878,21.64218918520132 37.63587264007585,21.300239722310693 37.63587263592729,21.300926367818505 37.69077207143337))
List of destinations

Psathopyrgos Beach

Situated east of Patras, small in area and relatively deep, with the Gulf of Corinth showering it

Church of Agios Andreas

Magnificent and imposing, the Holy or Cathedral Church of Agios Andreas (Saint Andrew) of Patras

Achaia Clauss Winery

Southeast of Patras, on a lush green hill, the Achaia Clauss winery is considered the first organ

Drepanos Kitesurfing

The beach of Drepanos, washed by the Gulf of Corinth, lies at the northernmost tip of the Pelopon

Rio Fortress

Also known as the Castle of Morias, lying next to the Rio-Antirrio bridge, on a seaside strategic

Roman Odeon of Patras

Located in the upper city, a little lower than the hill of the medieval castle, the Roman Odeon o