Municipality of Kalavryta

POLYGON((21.300926367818505 37.69077207143337,21.64390579897085 37.68968534805878,21.64218918520132 37.63587264007585,21.300239722310693 37.63587263592729,21.300926367818505 37.69077207143337))
List of destinations

Cave of the Lakes

In the bowels of the earth, created by nature and born of water droplets, salt molecules, liquid

Observatory of Helmos

On Neraidorahi, one of the highest peaks of the Helmos range, the surrounding mountains conceal a

Ski Center of Kalavrita

On Neraidorahi, one of the highest peaks of the Helmos range, the surrounding mountains conceal a

Municipal Museum of the Kalavrita Holocaust

A place of national memory, classified as a work of art and a listed historic monument in need of